Throw a party for singles day
Ab muscles


Single on Valentine’s Day? Who cares! Don’t let the overabundance of commercialised love acts put you off; Singles day is your day. This is your opportunity to celebrate by throwing a singles awareness party, invite friends, just girls or guys as well, that is up to you. The point is to have fun! Read on for tips on how to throw the best singles party yet!

Invite those who are available and won’t already have Valentine’s plans. Just because you are single doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy this love-filled day. Spread love and kindness through thoughtful gestures to friends, family members, siblings… you name it, even your pet. But let’s get back to the party plans.

1. Get beautiful party decorations

When it comes to decor, you can choose to do Valentine’s day themed decor if you wish. Consider heart shaped bunting, cute red and pink straws, serviettes, you name it! You can decorate your home to look like the inside of a red-velvet cake. If the thought of Valentine’s day repulses you, then choose a colour scheme far from red, white and pink.

2. Create a scrumptious signature drink

What’s a party without a good drink! If you love a good cocktail, create a signature drink for the night. Be as creative as possible when choosing a name for your cocktail. Here are some ideas: single and fabulous, drink to forget, cry me a river… let your imagination flow. If cocktails are not your favourite, buy a large amount of wine, champagne or whatever works for you.

3. Decide on a mouth-watering menu

If you like cooking and feel like showing off your cooking skills to your guests, then create a delicious menu that all will enjoy. Remember to take into consideration any dietary requirements your guests might have. If you have no desire to cook or hate the thought of making food, get some finger foods or takeouts. Ask friends to bring along some snacks or delicious treats to add to the feast.

4. Create an unforgettable playlist

What is a party without some great tunes? Create a cheerful and upbeat playlist with all your favourite songs. Avoid all the sad, soppy and lovey-dovey type songs; you don’t want to be reminded of Valentine’s day, not even for a second.

Chat, dance and eat, but mostly have fun! I always say, any reason to have a party is a good enough reason for me. Happy Singles Awareness Day!
