Larry wins the iPad


In the beginning, LarryZN from Kwa Zulu Natal had little hope that he would be the one to win an iPad in the bidorbuy competition. Mostly because the first few clues had left him – clueless.  However, his chances improved considerably as the competition unrolled and the clues got easier.

Larry joined bidorbuy on 22 October 2010, just as the preparations for the competition were starting to unfold. A colleague of his, who goes under the user name of Smooth007, introduced him to the bidorbuy trading platform – and, as far as Larry is concerned, the rest is history.

Not only did Larry win an iPad; he was also bitten by the (wholly benevolent) bidorbuy bug:  “I’m having the time of my life; so much of stuff, and so little time!”, he says.

Is the iPad he won likely to end up listed for sale on bidorbuy?

No way, judging by what Larry says about his prize (on which he is yet to lay his hands): “I actually needed something like this. I work as a systems engineer and need to have a computing device with me all the time. And the iPad has such a sleek design!”

Hold out just a little bit longer, Larry. Internet Express will shortly deliver your iPad to you. Enjoy using it! (And remember to thank your friend Smooth007 for introducing you to bidorbuy.)

A big thank you to everybody who participated in the competition. The mystery listing was make-believe purchased 370 times and the make-believe seller, You Got It, is thrilled with all the feedback he (she?) received: 69 positives, two neutrals (reasons: “Excellent seller, but item still not received!” and “No butt kissing here”) and one negative (reason: “Seller made me jump through hoops to get the item”).

A special honourable mention is due to the user who was the first to discover the mystery listing, oryxza. In recognition of this user’s treasure-hunting prowess, we are giving oryxza a round or two of free promotions on the site.

We hope you had fun searching for the mystery listing. We wish you better luck next time we decide to give away an iPad – or a key-ring – or something of the sort.
