Give yourself a round of applause


Yes, say “thank you” to yourself for creating the largest and the finest online marketplace in South Africa. All the efforts that the company proper puts into the platform (technology, design, marketing, and so much more) notwithstanding, it is you, buyers and sellers, that make great.

All 700,000 of you.

You who come from time to time to sell something you no longer need. And you who keep a careful eye on scores of your bidorbuy listings day in, day out.

You who come a couple of times a year to buy either a choice pricey artefact or a special bargain. And you to whom shopping on bidorbuy is as much a part of a daily ritual as is your morning cuppa.

Now is the time to get official recognition for the part you have played and continue to play in the making of

Place your vote in the Jump Shopping 2011 South African e-commerce awards to let everybody know how you feel about your site.

(Plus, you may win an iPad by the very act of voting.)
