Gemstone spotlight: Pearls


Moh Hardness Scale: 2.5 to 4.5

Specific Gravity: 2.6 – 2.85

Refractive Index: 1.52 – 1.69

Colour: White, pink, yellow, silver, black, blue, green


Pearls are some of the oldest of all gemstones, perhaps the oldest. Valued since ancient times, specimens dating from the 6th century BC have been discovered. Traditionally seen as a symbol of the moon, until the development of pearl synthesis in the last century pearls were rare and valued accordingly.


Tradition subscribes many superstitions to pearls. There are some that feel that they represent tears and as such should never be given as gifts on happy occasions. Others aver that pearls represent purity and that they improve a woman’s fecundity.

Pearls are not measured in carats but in momme, a weight standard developed by the Japanese and used for centuries on that island. 1 momme is equivalent to 3.75g. Due to their relative softness, pearls are not ideal for mounting on rings and perhaps are best shown off in the classic pearl necklace form.


You can find pearls on bidorbuy.


