Fulfillment made easy with uAfrica Shipping


uAfrica Shipping

You control your customer’s experience for the most part. You write great descriptions, you add your images and you ensure good communication. However, once your product leaves your hands to be shipped you are placing your customer’s user experience in the hands of a stranger. It is no wonder shipping can be the most complicated operation for any small ecommerce business. We are excited to announce bidorbuy’s new integration with uAfrica Shipping, a web based solution that helps online retailers process and ship their orders using multiple carriers.


What is it?

uAfrica Shipping is a web based solution that helps retailers process and ship their orders using multiple carriers, including CourierIT and Dawn Wing. Customers can compare shipping rates and easily select the lowest cost carrier for each parcel.


What are the advantages?

  • Import your orders from your bidorbuy store in real time
  • Easily compare quotes from multiple couriers
  • Get discounted shipping rates
  • No need for contracts with couriers
  • Add your own logo to the shipping waybill
  • Consolidation of orders from bidorbuy and Shopify
  • Automatic tracking and delivery emails, keeping customers updated about the status of their order


How can I get started?

  1. Sign up for uAfrica Multichannel
  2. Add bidorbuy as a product channel
  3. Set a collection point


How does it work?

  1. Get quotes to fulfil an order
  2. Choose your carrier and print your waybills
  3. Request a collection
  4. Check your collection request status
  5. Make payment after delivery


Sellers, make sure to offer the uAfrica shipping option to your buyers!

If you would like to read more about activating uAfrica Shipping click here.

If you would like to read more about using uAfrica Shipping click here.

