Clue eleven goes colourful


It is the colour of envy, and the only question is: will you be assuming it, or all the other participants in the bidorbuy Win an iPad Competition?

Be that as it may, the clue number 11 has been made public on the bidorbuy Twitter page. You will recognise it by the words clue no. 11 and the hashtag #winipad. And, of course by the twitting entity called bidorbuy_co_za, recognisable by this icon: . (This in case some envious adversary tries to hoodwink you with a false clue.)

Tomorrow we shall give you the final clue, number 12 (as if you needed it!). In the meantime, it would be a good idea to revisit your bidorbuy account and make sure that your phone number is there somewhere. For, if we cannot reach you by phone, you do not get the iPad, even if your name it the one drawn.

On the other hand, if your name is the one drawn and we can give you a call, Internet Express will make sure your iPad lands safely into your outstretched arms.
