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The Bob Shop blog


How to start a vinyl collection

Vinyl collectors will be the first to tell you that if this is something you are interested in exploring, then you’re about to embark on the most incredible music journey. If you’re starting or expanding your vinyl collection, we’re here to offer some useful tips, so put a record on, sit back and relax while you check them out…  

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If you love it, buy it

When you’re trying to work out if an antique or collectible has value, there are certain things to look for. With a major purchase, it may be worth seeking expert advice before you commit, but there are also certain general guidelines to follow. 

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The collectors’ corner

There is something deeply rewarding about finding a real treasure; an item that holds both history and value. An heirloom that you can not only own, but also pass down to family and friends. Antiques and collectibles can make a wonderful hobby, and their rarity makes each find so much more exciting.

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