The ease of search


When you are looking for a specific item, you want to find it, and you want to find it now, right?

That is why we are constantly working to make it easy for you to land spot-on that proverbial needle in the haystack made up from 850,000 plus (and growing) products and services listed on bidorbuy at any given time.

You can get the taste of the improving improved search functionality in Property, because this is one of the categories that is intrinsically attributes-rich: you can now search it by location, price, type (house, cluster, apartment, farm, etc), number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, and number of garages.

Improving the search functionality is (and always will be) a work in progress. Next on our “to-do” list is enabling multi-search in Property, so that you can look for both a 3-bedroom house and a 3-bedroom cluster home in Bela-Bela, for example, in one go.

We also plan to bring attributes-rich search to other suitable categories.

To keep up to date with the bidorbuy search improvements, visit this Forum thread often. While you are there, do note some of the significant past search-related achievements, like the “did you mean” functionality (surely a boon for all of us who are prone to misspelling our keywords), and the delightfully named “fuzzy search”.

Also, if you want to be really precise, remember to utilise advanced search.

Last but not least, we recommend setting apart some time to leisurely browse through the wealth of bidorbuy every now and then. Who knows what lovely treasures you may stumble upon!
