Clue six marks half the way


Well, we take our collective hat off to you. Four treasure hunters in the Win an iPad Competition have already managed to discover the mystery listing!

The rest of you – courage, guys! You are half way there, and from now on thing get easier and easier, because more and more items are eliminated.

Find the clue number six on the bidorbuy page on Facebook, under the Competition tab. The clue  is in the form of a riddle. When you discover the answer to the riddle, enter it into the keyword box of the advanced search page.

(Tip: Leave the Search the Title only box un-ticked, because the keyword could be in the description, not just the title!)

Then patiently enter all the clues you have already collected – and you’ll be left with mere four or five thousand listings to sift through! When you finally land on the mystery listing, remember that you can send as many SMSs with the correct secret code as you want (you’ll be charged, though, so don’t go over the board).

And if your name is the one to be drawn, your iPad will be delivered to you by Internet Express.
