Deal of the Week has a new look


Have you seen our new and improved Deal of the Week page? The clean-cut design makes scrolling a lot easier. You can view the product along with all the important information quickly and easily. You can also add an item to the cart or to your watchlist directly from the front page.

But there’s more!

Interested to know about the new features?

Refine your search

Now you can refine your search by category or price, making it a lot easier to look for something specific you may have spotted earlier, or to save you time if you are looking to buy a particular product you have in mind.

Default settings

You can also set the page using one of our five defaults. These include: lower price, higher price, ending soon, what’s new and hot selling.


If you like what you see and would like to receive these deals in your inbox every morning, then feel free to subscribe to the Deal of the Week newsletter. The subscribe button can be found in the top right hand corner.

Suggest a deal

And it doesn’t end there; we want to know what you want to buy. So feel free to tell us which products you would like featured on our Deal of the Week page. All you have to do is send an email to and we will make sure we try our best to feature the item you requested.

What are you waiting for, start shopping now!
