The surprising uses of bobBucks


You probably know, and use, several great inventions that were originally created for different purposes.

Take Teflon. The very term immediately brings to mind non-stick cookware. However, the famous innovation, patented in 1945, found its first use in the military, in artillery shell fuses. It landed onto our cooking pots and pans only in 1954.

Then, the duct tape. Its original function was to keep ammunition cases dry. Nowadays, it’s used for… more or less everything, including impromptu furniture or even car repairs.

It is said that Frisbee was originally a Frisbie, a tin pie plate from the Frisbie Pie Company. One day, the mischievous New England (USA) students took to flinging the plate about (after eating the pie). The rest is history.

Play-Doh started its life as wallpaper cleaner before it became children’s plaything. And Botox – the wonders never stop! – was used to stop muscle spasms before its true vocation was revealed (which is, of course, to keep us young forever).


Something similar seems to be happening to bidorbuy’s bobBucks.

It debuted as a competition prize, a reward from us to bidorbuyers. Very soon, bobBucks went on to become a gift card that you can purchase on bidorbuy in order to send “to anyone you wish to spoil”.

The initial uptake, however, shows that you are buying bobBucks to spoil – not others, but yourself. As one buyer said in response to our we’re-sure-the-giftee-will-enjoy-the-gift type of thank-you message:  What giftee?! Got ‘em for myself!

And why would you go and buy bobBucks for yourself?

Because shopping on bidorbuy, easy as it is, becomes truly a breeze with bobBucks. You just buy an item, enter your bobBucks code, then buy another item, pay with the remaining balance… and so on, for as long as your bobBucks credit will stretch.

And when it’s all used up, it’s time to buy another bobBucks (self) gift card.

So, go on. Gift yourself with bobBucks!

Also see: How to redeem bobBucks.
