No, this post is not about chick flicks! If that is what you are after – sorry to disappoint! Perhaps next time.
However, if you would like to consider five women-themed movies to watch this August (women’s month in South Africa), you have come to the right place. Here are five of my favourite films with strong female leads.

The Piano was written and directed by Jane Campion, and in my books that is recommendation enough. In case you are after something more substantial than my word for it, critics praised this film and it won many awards too. The Piano is set in a small frontier town in mid-19th century New Zealand and tells the story of a young woman and her obsession with piano.
Suffragette made me angry to see how badly women were treated in the early 19th century England (and some of us still are). Suffragette was made in 2015. It was directed by Sarah Gavron and written by Abi Morgan.
Yesterday will also make you feel angry to see how badly women can be treated, this time in modern-day South Africa. This 2004 film, written and directed by Darrell Roodt, won several international awards.
Kill Bill Volume 1 and Kill Bill Volume 2, directed by Quentin Tarantino, might be off-putting for many (women especially) due to the numerous scenes of carefully choreographed violence. Once you go past that, you will be fascinated by one woman’s indomitable will to survive. Kill Bill Volume 1 was released in 2003 and Kill Bill Volume 2 followed in 2004.
Amelie will uplift your mood with its charming and whimsical portrayal of a young woman in Paris. Made in 2001, Amelie was directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet and is one of the most internationally successful French films.
Find these titles in the bidorbuy movies section. Enjoy!