Today marks the 20th anniversary of the Springboks victory in the 1995 Rugby World Cup. The World Cup of 1995 brings to mind the unity of the nation and South Africa’s triumph over adversity. Today is a day to celebrate our nation and what we have accomplished.
There are several events which will be commemorating the victory of 20 years ago. The most exciting event one is the social media event by SuperSport and Twitter. At exactly 3PM today, SuperSport will re-broadcast the final match on SuperSport 1, while the squad who played will start tweeting about their recollections of the event and about what they experienced 20 years ago.

It is only through the movie Invictus that many of South Africa’s youth know about the Springbok victory. The re-broadcast and tweets give a chance to many South Africans who haven’t watched the match to relive the experience. To be part of this amazing social media event, tweet with the hashtag #1995reunited.
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