Well tickle me with tinsel and call me Santa…Christmas is on the way!

I’m always so flabbergasted when I walk through the malls mid October early November and see that the Christmas trees have been erected and the decorations littered across the walkways.
An initial sense of panic waves over me as the thoughts of Christmas chaos and mall mayhem fill my head.
Even my credit card tries to bury itself deeper into my purse hiding away from the abuse of the upcoming months.
Once I get over the initial shock at the speed at which the year has flown by and another festive season is upon us, the “good thought’s†return and I remember what a brilliant time of year it actually is.
Whether you celebrate the festive season for religious purposes, out of tradition, habit or not at all, to some extent we all feel the magic and excitement that this time of year brings.
Despite the negative reports detailed around the end of year holiday season, by concentrating on the simple pleasures of the festive season it may just be one of the most inspiring times of the year.
We anticipate days off work, time with friends and family and my personal favorite, a fresh start to a new year.
Great food, your favorite company and an opportunity to give without the expectation of receiving (er…this one may be limited to a select few).
The fact remains, that even the Grinch found the magic of Christmas.
In keeping with the tinsel talk and with the intention to inspire all of you for the upcoming holidays I will be writing a “Santa’s little helper†post in this blog.
My gift to you this festive season is to share the very best of Christmas with you.
So here’s to the beginning of the very merriest time of the year.