The umbrella statement


umbrella-colourfulThere was exactly one umbrella sold on bidorbuy during the week ending 29 October.


One… single… umbrella, out of more than 31,500 items buyers snatched on the site between 22 and 27 October 2013.


We’re not counting cute little umbrella decorations or studio umbrellas the photographers use; we are talking about regular umbrellas, the ones you open when it’s raining.


True, the umbrella purchased during the period under scrutiny is of the golf type, so big that it can serve as protection for several golfers if a downpour happens to surprise them in the middle of a game.


Still, this accessory deserves more attention. Hence this little blog post Alison asked me to put together for the benefit of fashion-conscious bidorbuyers and bidorbuyers who like to stay dry even when it rains.


So, let’s have a quick look at the types of umbrellas.




  • Classic umbrellas are what we generally think of when we hear the word umbrella.
  • Golf umbrellas look pretty much like classic umbrellas, only bigger.
  • Automatic umbrellas can be opened and closed with one hand and come in a regular size or as a compact.
  • Pocket or compact umbrellas are small, portable and lightweight.
  • Witch or pagoda style umbrellas have a fetching shape and can’t be inverted even by the strongest of winds (say the manufacturers).
  • Bubble umbrellas have a spherical shape and enclose the wearer into – well, into an almost-bubble.
  • Storm umbrellas are designed to withstand strong winds without turning inside-out. They can look like regular umbrellas, though some sport a strange, asymmetrical, apparently extra wind-resistant shape.
  • Specialty umbrellas can be – anything. They can have handles shaped as cup holders or samurai swords. They can fold into purses or double as walking sticks. They can be strapped to your back or have lights built into them, and so on.

And did you know…


  • The name umbrella is derived from the Latin word umbra, meaning shade, which leads one to conclude that ancient Romans used it as a protection from sun’s rays.
  • In Europe, umbrellas were forgotten during the Middle Ages. When they re-appeared, it was as dainty parasols worn by ladies. The first (brave) men who dared appear in public with an umbrella were the British, sometimes in the 1700s. The French men followed, and then the others.

Now it’s your turn! Buy your umbrella on bidorbuy.


