Advantages of dual SIM
Some people have two different cell phones for different purposes. For example, one for personal use and the other for work. If you are
Some people have two different cell phones for different purposes. For example, one for personal use and the other for work. If you are
The chances are, even if you do, you do not know you do it. Read on to find out what phableting is! Not so
All those who use their phones to access the internet will undoubtedly have heard the words “3G” and “4G” at some point in the recent
The handset earned predominantly positive reviews, though some imperfections were noted.
The new operating system, to be launched beginning 2013, is expected to make BlackBerry a worthy challenger of iPhone and Android devices.
Bidorbuyers with BlackBerry smart phones had a harder time than usual accessing bidorbuy these past few days. That’s because Blackberry services – e-mail, messenger, web