Tell your story: the About section


If you didn’t know, bidorbuy has a store section where a number of reputable brands and companies have a special area to showcase their products. If you haven’t seen it before, do yourself a favour and check it out.

But let’s get back to business. This blog post has been designed to provide advice for our store sellers. We want to help you by giving you some tips to improve your About section. You know what they say: first impressions count. So, make sure you capture your audience with a clear and interesting start.

1. What makes you unique

In answer to this very simple yet powerful question, tell buyers why you are unique and what makes you stand out from other stores. Do you sell products that others don’t? Do you source your products from a unique destination? Are your goods are handmade? Are they made from special types of material or produced in a unique way? Tell the visitors about it!

2. What is your story

It is always great for outsiders and potential buyers to get a sense of how your business started and why. Buyers will not only have a better understanding of who you are as a business but also understand your mission and why you want to sell your goods. Mention memorable stories that include details about how your creative spark came about, your milestones and how you business has developed. Maybe your business idea was sparked by a dream, a conversation with a friend, maybe you just stumbled into this business or at the very least, it was just sheer determination to realise your life long-goals of owning a business.

3. Be friendly and approachable

When writing your About section, keep in mind that you need to keep a friendly and sincere tone. Buyers need to feel that they can ask you anything. A friendly approach will also make potential buyers feel more confident about conducting business with you.

4. Use facts, don’t brag

There is a very fine line between being assured about the high level of your service and the quality of your products and just being plain boastful. So be careful not to brag when introducing your store. Try to explain why people should do business with you and what kind of value will customers get out of doing business with you. Stick to the facts but also try to keep your audience captivated throughout. Basically, try not to bore them so much that they stop reading. Also try to consider your audience – who are you writing to? Try to imagine who would be reading it and address their shopping wants and needs.

We hope that these four tips will help you brighten your About section and ultimately make your bidorbuy store more approachable to your customer, hopefully increasing your profits in the process.

If you don’t have a store on bidorbuy, here’s how to open one.  And if you feel that your business is not quite ready for such a step, there’s nothing to prevent you from adding a few words about you as a seller in every listing you create. This may go a long way towards improving your credibility in the eyes of the buyers!
