Star Wars Day Competition- CLOSED


This competition is now closed. see who won here

May the 4th be with you on International Star Wars Day this Friday. In celebration, Dark Carnival ZA is giving away awesome sets of mini Star Wars character Bobbleheads to one lucky person who can answer our Yoda  question.

The Question:

How Many Yodas can you fit inside a bidorbuy Smart car?

“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is.

Simply give us your answer by posting a reply to this blog post.

The Prize

You can buy these here too

The Rules

  • The winner will be announced at 5pm on May 4th
  • The winner will be chosen by bidorbuy and the decision will be final
  • Please read general bidorbuy competition rules for more information

Good luck! And may the Force be with you.

Want more Star Wars merch? Dark Carnival has some incredible stuff so check it out.
