Priceless experiences


In one episode of the American comedy series The Middle, the mother of the family, Frankie, is devastated when she reads her teenage daughter’s diary: the kid has nothing better to write about than trite stuff of the “I hate lettuce, and Mom serves it every day” type. Frankie goes on tell her husband they must take a family trip, so their daughter can amass some experiences to write about in her diary.

Someone wise once said: it’s not the accumulation of material things; it’s experiences that make one’s life rich (or something to that effect).

And it does make sense. If a day in your life is the same as the day before, you can’t tell them apart and both become a non-memorable blur. When you do something different, you are bound to remember it. That’s why it’s essential to allow interesting experiences into your life.

Now, don’t get us wrong. In order to make your life a rich tapestry of experiences, you don’t have to go for adrenaline pumping stuff. It’s enough to, every now and then, do something that’s out of the ordinary. Consider, for example, the bidorbuy Experiences section. Some of the packages on offer do belong into the hair-raising category (at least for some of us), like sky diving. However, you’ll also find there purely exhilarating experiences, like horseback riding, as well as delicately enriching ones, like a romantic picnic or learning how to roll a sushi.

Talking of enriching experiences, why not turn your sights to this year’s bidorbuy Celebrities for Charity event? You stand to benefit in several ways. Meeting the Parlotones, the Graeme Watkins Project, the Moses Metro Man, Ivan Zimmerman, Rianette Leibowitz, Edith Venter (also starring here – thank you, Edith!),  Bruce Fordyce, Sheina Kiara Gokool, Callie and Monique Strydom (with Monique offering another great meet-and-greet in lovely surroundings), or James and Anel Alexander will be an interesting experience, a great topic of conversation, and a priceless memory. Plus, you will feel good about yourself, because you will be helping a charity raise funds for worthy causes.

PS: In case you missed the episode of The Middle mentioned at the beginning of this post, look for it in the bidorbuy TV shows section (sorry, we can’t be specific regarding the title or even the season – but they are all worth watching).
