But can you sell on camera?
Selling is always easier when you know your product, but for our latest series of videos, we wanted to test the theory that a skilled seller can sell any product. Choosing sellers who specialised in different products wasn’t difficult – we had hundreds of categories to choose from.
Would Arlene from Funzaroo find it child’s play to sell the paintball guns that Alec from Blades & Triggers is an expert in? Would Alec make hard work of selling the kind of toys that you’ll find in Funzaroo’s store on bidorbuy?
And what would happen when Mohamed from Ottoman Home & Décor tried to sell a gaming mouse – a challenge he was set by Jarred from tech specialists First Shop? Would Jarred be able to cushion the impact of his lack of knowledge of custom furniture?

It’s your turn!
Playing “Sell my product” resulted in the kind of laughs you can only get when you have to promote a plastic dragon or chat about CO2 cartridges. There was, of course, a serious point to all this – great product descriptions make it much easier for buyers to find what they’re looking for. For instance, is it a gaming mouse, or just a regular mouse? And can you put that chair on your patio?
From the evidence in the videos, it didn’t look like any of our sellers would be swapping jobs anytime soon, but they were on the money when it came to sharing their “Top 5 Tips” for other sellers. Know your product, of course, was number one, followed by writing great descriptions and using awesome images.
Treating customers right – something all our featured sellers do every day – is vital, and getting the packing and shipping right is also essential.

Is this being recorded?
While we had the cameras rolling (under the watchful eyes of the film crew from Mamela), we couldn’t resist the temptation to have a bit more fun. The Mamela crew did a brilliant job of capturing the day – who knew learning about selling could be so much fun? They had a knack for leaving the cameras rolling, so be sure to watch to the end of each video for some humorous asides and throwaway comments that contain pearls of selling wisdom.

Give us a clue!
Perhaps the highlight of the day was when our sellers went head to head to play “Guess that Category”. The answers to the clues ranged from lamps to medals and from diamonds to dancing shoes – and they barely scratched the surface of what you’ll find on bidorbuy.
To highlight the importance of getting the description right, the winner in each case was the seller who helped the other person get the most right answers. Whether you want to propose or plant a rose, trip the light fantastic or find a fantastic light, we have a category for that…
Kudos to our sellers Alec, Arlene, Jarred and Mohamed for being such good sports, and for showing us how it’s done. Find out more about their companies below:

First Shop
Firstshop bridges the gap between clicks and bricks, using the footprint of their parent company, First Technology, to provide great service and even better prices! They stock 125 000 brand name tier one product lines so you’re sure to find any technology product that you are looking for and have it delivered to your door.

Funzaroo’s mission is to promote as much childhood fun as they possibly can, through sourcing and sharing great deals on fun kids products. Their product range includes toys, crafts and educational products for kids. They provide great quality products that they love and trust.
Ottoman Home and Décor
Ottoman Home and Décor make buying luxury furniture online effortless. Find furniture to adorn your home from their online catalogue, then customise to your heart’s content. Their forte is lounge suits, couches, bedroom suites, headboards, coffee tables, TV units, and a range of home décor items.

We didn’t mention having fun as a Top 5 Tip, but when you watch the videos you’ll get a sense of just how enjoyable selling on bidorbuy can be – even before the money rolls in!