How to wear a denim jacket


denim jacketYou saw a ladies’ denim jacket you like on bidorbuy, but worry that it might be too casual?


Never fear.


Worn correctly, a denim jacket will add a fun element to your wardrobe without compromising on stylishness.


I have put together six different outfits that illustrate my point. You are guaranteed to fall in love with at least one of them!


Romantic and feminine


You cannot go wrong with a denim jacket over a flowing knee-length (or shorter) dress. Choose a dress with an interesting print, such as floral.


denim jacket


Playfully flirty


Is that how you feel? A denim jacket worn over a monochrome top and a short flared skirt will send the right message. All the better if the skirt is in leopard print!




Breathtakingly graceful


Pair your denim jacket with a vintage full skirt and elegant shoes… and you get a surprisingly elegant ensemble. If the skirt is multicoloured, choose a solid colour top.


elegant fashion


Career wise


Everyone will know that you mean business when you make your entrance in a pencil skirt coupled with your favourite denim jacket.


dressing for work


Boho chick

Don a maxi skirt and a denim jacket when you just want to glide through your day in a laid back, no-problem, no-hurry manner.




Street style


It’s all about being able to make long strides, and a denim jacket goes great with leggings or tight pants and a long shirt.




In conclusion


ladies' denim jacketFashion trends have a brief shelf life. However, denim jacket is an exception to this rule. With a good reason, for there are so many different ways to wear it!


The only thing I don’t recommend is wearing a denim jacket with denim pants (or skirt) in the same (or similar) shade of blue. If you have to go double-denim, be sure to pair pieces of varying washes, for example a light denim jacket with dark denim jeans.


It is also important to always bear in mind this wise saying of one style guru: “When it comes to looking good, it’s not your size or shape that matters, but the fit of your clothes”. In other words, always check yourself in a full length mirror before leaving your house!


All items of clothing used to illustrate each look were avaiable on bidorbuy at the time of publication.


