Garcinia Cambogia: The holy grail of weightloss
garcinia cambogia diet


…or not.


We’ve all seen the advertisements on Facebook, Twitter and all other social networks: there is a new solution for weight-loss out there and get this, it was featured on the (controversial) Dr. Oz show.


garcinia cambogia pillsThis solution is a fruit that is found in the tropical jungles of Indonesia and is scientifically known as Garcinia Cambogia. Promos say that break through research has shown that the chemical compound called hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which is found on the skin (rind) of this fruit, is a weight-loss fighter that blocks fat from being  produced in your body.


The claim is that Garcinia Cambogia works in two ways:


(1) It blocks fat by inhibiting the key enzyme that is often needed to produce fat from the carbs and sugar we eat, citrase lyase. When the production of citrase lyase is stopped, the production of extra mass of fat and bad cholesterol is automatically stopped too. It follows that, with the production of fat being stopped, your body is forced to use/burn the fat you currently have, and thus putting you on the road to a leaner you.


(2) It suppresses appetite by increasing the levels of serotonin. Serotonin is a well-known neurotransmitter whose main role in the body is to make you feel good. When you have a high level of serotonin, you are less inclined to eat emotionally. It follows that, since you’ll be eating less, your system will sense this and release stored fat from various storage sites – thighs, belly etc.


The promotional material further claims that the natural formula of Garcinia has additional benefits because it does the following:


  • Detoxifies your body
  • Increases your metabolic rate
  • Boosts your levels of energy

And what about the independent researches? What do they say?


Well, they say that there is absolutely no proof that Garcina Cambogia helps you lose weight. Plus, it can be harmful for you.


If you still insist on trying this potion, you firstly need to know what to look out for; with something like this, there are bound to be knock-offs.


Secondly, Garcinia Cambogia is sold by various sellers online and at various chemists.  Do make sure to consult your doctor before you embark on this journey, so he can give you the go-ahead. Garcinia Cambogia shouldn’t be taken in conjunction with medications that cause blood thinning.


Other names and variations that Garcinia Cambogia (Garcinia gummi-gutta) is referred  as include: gambooge, brindleberry, brindall berry, Malabar tamarind, assam fruit, vadakkan puli (northern tamarind) and kudam puli (pot tamarind).


Disclaimer: bidorbuy does not endorse this product and cannot guarantee that it actually works as a weight loss supplement.


