Fit in winter


SkippingIn winter, the idea of hitting the gym or going for a jog can be particularly off-putting. That doesn’t have to be case, because you can turn your living space into a home gym with these top two  fitness exercises to do at home over the cold months:



1.    Skipping rope
2.    Lifting weights



Skipping with a skipping rope is a great exercise to burn calories. For an effective rope skipping exercise, you will need this essential gear to get you into top shape:



•    Skipping rope is the basis of the workout. Plastic or beaded skipping ropes are a good choice for an intense workout; they whip around faster and are durable. Remember to always be cautious. Measure the length of your skipping rope in proportion to your height in order to avoid any bending during your skips. Failure to do so will affect severely your back and neck.



•    Cross-training shoes provide support for your feet, back and neck when you land after each skip, which reduces the risk of an injury as a result of constant skipping.



These are the top 5 benefits of skipping rope:



1.    It is an inexpensive workout. You only need cross-trainers and a skipping rope
2.    It is a convenient exercise and can be done in the comfort of your private space
3.    A great cardiovascular exercise which increases endurance, speed and timing
4.    It is a quick way to warm yourself up when feeling cold
5.    Great for lymphatic system circulation, which removes waste and toxins from your blood.



Lifting weights is a great exercise for men and women who want to tone and define their muscles.
These are the top 5 essential items for weight-lifting exercises:



1.    Dumbbells are lighter in mass and allow both of your limbs to do the same amount of work. Dumbbells are great for toning up your arms.
2.    Weights are great for both men and women and can be easily adjusted for muscle intensity.
3.    A weight stand is vital for storing your weights which can scratch your surfaces. Alternatively, use a mat during and after exercising.
4.    Kettlebells are a great alternative to dumbbells and weights. A kettlebell requires extra muscle activity because of its heavy mass. It is a go-to option if you would like to burn more calories.
5.    Workout gloves will give you the benefit of a firm grip and protect your palms from getting calluses and blisters.



Turning your living space into a home gym is the perfect way to keep fit and healthy as well as warm this winter. You  will feel and look great – so, what’s stopping you?
