Deadbeat buyers and you


deadbeat-buyers1Yes, we know. Non-paying buyers are a major frustration for bidorbuy sellers. Recently, one of them complained:

“My auction ended a week ago. The winner refuses to pay and does not reply to my emails. This is costing me time and money, for I had bought enhancements for that listing.”

We in the bidorbuy HQ understand and sympathise. That’s why we’ve put together this short advisory piece.

What to do

If you do not receive a payment seven days after the order was made, file an SNC (Sale not completed). The SNC needs to be filed in order to recover the bidorbuy success fee (selling commission) for the unsold item.

Then you can (and should) rate the buyer negatively. This is best done after filing the SNC, to prevent possible revenge rating from the non-paying buyer.

If the same buyer tries to bid again on your items, you may delete his bids. You may also delete bids placed by buyers who garnered negative rating in dealings with other sellers.

Deleting the bids must be done manually. However, in a case of a buyer previously SNC-ed by you, you may even opt to block him or her for a period of up to 60 days.

What not to do

deadbeat-buyers2Sellers may not delete bids from new buyers just because they are new and have no ratings. The bidorbuy trading platform (and that includes sellers on bidorbuy) cannot discriminate against new buyers. After all, everybody on bidorbuy has to start from zero ratings. Buyers are customers, and no customers = no business, both for bidorbuy and for sellers on bidorbuy.

Buyers who change their mind too often will accumulate negatives and will be eventually removed from the site by bidorbuy. We know that this is a small consolation for all the sellers who are frustrated by non-paying buyers now – but that too is part of running a business.
