Date ideas for Valentine’s Day
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Valentine’s Day can be a fun day for some, filled with surprises and heartwarming gestures, but for others it’s a nightmare to even think about. Where do you start, what do you buy this year that’s different from the previous years? Coming up with ideas for the day can be daunting and stressful, but that’s why we’re here to help.

It is important to mention that these ideas can also be used to spoil special friends and family members and are not restricted to your significant other.

Create a cozy pillow fort in the lounge 

This is a simple but really fun thing to do. Who wouldn’t want to have a sleepover in their own lounge! Grab your mattress, drag it to the lounge and make sure you have a good view of the TV. Then look for all the pillows and blankets you can find and place them on your mattress, making them look pretty and comfortable. Now you need to consider your food options and which movie or TV series you are going to select. When it comes to food, snacks such as chips, sweets and popcorn are always a winner. Also, opt for finger foods such as pizza, sushi or food items that are easy to eat without the support of a table. Choose your favourite movie and you are set for the night. 

Secure reservations at a fancy restaurant

This is a simple and very popular choice for Valentine’s Day. You can’t go wrong with restaurant reservations at a beautiful place, just be sure to book far in advance to secure your table. If you want to make your loved one feel even more special, bring flowers, chocolates or a gift, depending on how extravagant you want to be.

Surprise picnics in the park 

Picnics are very underrated in my opinion. All you need is a blanket and some finger foods and voila, you have created a special moment your partner won’t forget. It’s something different and it’s an activity that allows you to chat, play games and avoid TVs and screens. Pick a beautiful sunny day, grab a picnic basket and your date is sorted.  

Create a unique date night box 

If for some reason you can’t celebrate Valentine’s Day on the day, a date night box is the perfect gift. Find an empty shoebox or buy a gift box at a store and add all the items you will need for your future date night. Yummy treats like chocolates and sweets are always a winner. Also consider adding a voucher to a spa day or tickets to a theatre show or movie, restaurant reservation or whatever you intend to do on your planned date. 

Cook a special meal at home

These days, ordering takeaways can become the norm. If this is true of your household, a home cooked meal will be a bigger gesture than you think. Cook your loved one or family and friends their favourite meal or just anything delicious and homemade. Set the table, add some candles and be sure to get dessert, or make it from scratch if you are feeling adventurous.

Now that Valentine’s Day is sorted, all you need to do is make sure you look fabulous on the day. Checkout our fashion for men and women on bidorbuy and don’t forget to have a love-filled day!
