Budding entrepreneurs on bidorbuy


The South African Entrepreneur Reality TV Show promises to be all you came to expect of reality TV: exciting, engrossing and competitive. Plus, it will also be educational.

The proof?

Well, among other things, the participants will learn how to sell on bidorbuy, and, as we all know, there’s no better platform for launching own online business at (practically) zero cost.

The Entrepreneur Reality Show works like this.  The players compete for the title of the top young entrepreneur in South Africa and for some valuable prizes.

In this, first round, the competing teams are Bafana Warriors and Spanish Inquisition. Each of them has five players. One team is all girls and the other is all guys. In order to avoid gender-skewed bidding, we shall not reveal which team is which.

The challenges are designed to test the stamina, confidence, perseverance, organisational abilities, social awareness as well as other important factors that go into making a good and successful entrepreneur.

Keep an eye out for it!
