Kitchen, so pretty


kitchenThe very mention of the term “kitchen” brings to the mind straight, smooth, shiny surfaces. In other words, an antiseptic and impersonal look.

But it does not have to be like that. You can have it all: a kitchen with all the modern paraphernalia that at the same time exudes charm.

All you need is a character piece or two. The sleek lines and ultra-functionality of the modern appliances notwithstanding, nothing can match the beauty and warmth of olden-time artefacts.

Just a few chosen items will do, and the best place to find them is the Kitchenalia section of the bidorbuy Antiques category.

Popular kitchenalia items include:

  • Appliances like olden-time coffee grinder, meat grinder or iron:


  • Crockery like copper pots, chicken teapot or a dainty (and tiny) tiny serving basket, ideal for when you do not want your teenage guests (the gluttons!) to devour all tasty morsels you have in the house.


  • Enamelware, with its unassuming elegance and versatility (don’t you just love the way an enamel jug or pitcher can double as a vase):


  • Cutlery, for it is always advantageous to have an antique silver spoon (even if you were not born with it), or at least a silver plated sugar sifter:


  •  Decorative tins all sorts:


Isn’t you your kitchen now so lovely you actually want to spend time in it!

(Note: You may not find the exact same items as the one pictured here, but you will find many others. Kitchenalia is worth exploring. The odds are that you won’t be able to leave without snatching up a charming object or two.)
