The internet provides many money-earning options. As you will discover as soon as you start searching, the problem is not in the availability of offers. The problem is that there are too many of them, some promising you thousands of Rands (or dollars, as the case may be) for no effort at all.
How do you distinguish genuine online money-making opportunities from time-wasters or even scams? Well, there are no short-cuts. You need to invest a lot of research and garnish it with some experience in order to be able to distinguish the wheat from the chaff.
The best way to go is to learn as much as you can about the opportunities that interest you before trying them out. Find out who is behind the offer and what exactly is being offered. Look out for any hidden charges. Be especially suspicious of marketers who are urging you to buy some fool-proof big-money-making scheme – without giving you the slightest clue about how you’ll make all that money.
And what happens when you finally select two or three genuine online money-making programmes? You will probably discover that you need to put in a lot of work for low pay. Moreover, you may not even be able to get your money if the programme uses PayPal as payment method.
Since you are browsing bidorbuy right now, you surely know that a good local option for earning money online is – selling items on bidorbuy. If you are ready to try your hand, welcome abroad. Thousands of sellers make money on bidorbuy. Some sell from time to time. Some make a small, but regular extra bundle of cash. Some earn their primary income on bidorbuy. At that level, expect a lot of – hard work.
You might also be attracted to the money-earning and work-from-home opportunities advertised on bidorbuy itself, in the Business section. Be warned: interwoven with real opportunities, there may be some offers there that do not deliver on all their promises. Use your common sense and carefully study sellers’ rating and feedback from previous buyers. Whether your online money-making aspirations are motivated by the necessity or by pure greed, you do not want to give even a R10 note to someone trying to make a quick buck out of – well, people like you and me.