The fallout between users and Microsoft from Windows 8 has resulted in Microsoft releasing the new OS (Operating system), Windows 10, for free to gain back customer loyalty. Windows 8 was developed for Touchscreen devices which left computer and laptop users at a loss. Windows 8 was difficult to use and just annoying to navigate.

Windows 10 has tried to incorporate the best of Windows 7 and 8 into one, and they have succeeded. Microsoft has returned the taskbar, which is a great relief for many. There are also several novelties, such as the search function on the taskbar. Better yet, they have incorporated Cortana to allow voice commands and searches for faster and even easier use. This feature is similar to Google Now, S voice and Apple’s Siri, which are found on smartphones. Microsoft has led the integration of smartphones, tablets and computers into one operating system.

Notifications and settings can be quickly accessed as you would on your smartphone to ensure that nothing is missed. There is greater customisation of the start menu as well as other aspects of Windows. Desktop windows can now also be snapped to either half screen or quarter screen to allow improved multitasking. If there was one reason to upgrade to Windows 10, it would be the Virtual desktops, a long-awaited feature which has been around in Linux for a couple of years. The virtual desktop is a feature where you can have several different desktops which you can switch between.
Last but not least is the new browser, Edge (formerly known as Spartan). This new browser is a vast improvement from Internet Explorer IE, with Cortana incorporated, read view and app extensions. The only drawback of this new browser is that it is quite resource intensive; however, most browsers with this range of functionality would be.
All in all Windows 10 is a giant improvement from Windows 8. Since it is free to private users there is no downside to upgrading and exploring the new features. There will obviously be some bugs at the beginning with some teething problems as it becomes fully formed in general circulation. Also, users should be aware that there is always a trade-off between personalisation and privacy and adjust their settings accordingly.