Swap unwanted gifts for cash


…by selling them on bidorbuy

These days, a leisurely saunter through bidorbuy.co.za may reveal more than you bargained for. It may reveal to your astonished eyes the Christmas gifts you gave to family members and friends.

Don’t get angry. Get even. This is your chance to buy back all those gifts at a great discount. Come next Christmas, present them to the very same ungrateful individuals and watch their faces as they tear the wrapping paper. You have 352 days to anticipate the thrills of the sweet revenge!

But how are you to accomplish the buy-back mission if the gifts you originally purchased with such loving care have left you cash-strapped?

That’s easy. Simply join the post-holidays merry-go-round. Come to bidorbuy to flog off all the unwanted gifts you received. You will be in good company. A growing number of people are secretly turning their unwanted gifts into cash. January is traditionally the month for selling useless presents on bidorbuy. This year there is likely to be more of them than ever, given the current gloomy economic climate. The most popular gifts to sell include electronics, DVDs, CDs, books, slippers, lamps, bubble bath sets, saucepan sets, etc. (Really! The things people give as Christmas gifts!)

Joking aside, there is actually no way the gift-giver can identify you on bidorbuy. You will be safely anonymous behind your user name. Your mask might come off only if, by some improbable twist of fate, the very person who originally gave you the gift buys that same gift from you on bidorbuy. In case that happens, do let us know. We’d love to hear all the embarrassing details!

Now that you have become a sell-the-unwanted-gifts convert, it is befitting to devote some time to the practicalities. If this is your first on bidorbuy, take a picture of the gift in question, register yourself as a seller on bidorbuy – and off you go. (More details can be found on the bidorbuy how to sell pages.)

Before we forget, our advice is to always open and examine the packet. Don’t just list it on bidorbuy as a “surprise gift”, complete with the wrapping paper. More than need for secrecy is at stake. Even if your past experience with that particular giver tells you that the gift must be ghastly, you never know. This time there might be a R100 note tucked somewhere inside.
