Spring cleaning: stuff to get rid of
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As spring approaches, a good spring clean is always a great idea. Get rid of old, unused and unwanted items you no longer need. A clean and decluttered home can make you feel like you have a fresh start and can help you clear your thoughts. If the items are in a good condition but you have no use for them, consider giving them away to charity or selling them if you wish. However, if the items are old and broken, even more reason to get rid of them. You can either throw them out or better yet, recycle them. This blog post is designed to highlight six items you might not have thought to throw away; it will provide a starting point for what may seem like a big task ahead.

1. Old medication

Isn’t it so typical that we normally buy medicine when we still have some at home? This leads to an oversupply of medication we most probably won’t get to use. It is always good to check if your medicine supply is still suitable for use or if it’s expired; you might be shocked to find how much of your medicine is no longer usable. Throw them out immediately, as they will not work and are just taking up space in your bathroom cabinet or medicine box.

2. Old makeup

I know, makeup is expensive and it’s hard to just throw it away. However, It will get to a point  when you find that your makeup no longer works or isn’t as easy to apply in comparison to when you first bought it. The possibility of infections are an even bigger issue. Experts recommend that you throw out makeup after three months, especially mascara,  in order to avoid nasty eye infections and bacteria build-up. Eye liner is another one you shouldn’t use for too long.

3. Old towels and bed sheets

There will come a time when your towels harden and feel like sandpaper when you use them. Or they will be filled with holes or tears. When it gets to this point, it’s time to toss them! Everyone deserves a soft, great looking towel after a hot bath or shower. The same goes for bed sheets; if there are tears, holes, stains, fuzzballs, or if the material looks washed out, then you know it’s time to toss. Not only is it unpleasant, it is also not a great thing to look at.

4. Damaged or chipped dishes

Your plate gets chipped on the sink while washing dishes, what now? You could keep it, but it’s actually a wise idea to throw it out. The reason is, several washes over time will lead to a buildup of bacteria in those little nooks and crannies. Also, if you microwave these dishes, there will be a moisture buildup which will lead to bigger cracks. Since you wouldn’t donate this type of thing (with cracks), you could break the dish and use the pieces for crafts like mosaics or recycle them.


5. Expired spices and old condiment packets

It is very easy to accumulate a whole rack of spices you no longer use. At some point, they are no longer usable. Check expiry dates, use your sense of smell and check the texture and consistency to determine if it’s time to toss. If you haven’t used it until now, chances are you won’t any time soon. This applies to condiments as well; those dozens of open tomato sauce bottles or hot sauce can’t last forever. The same goes for the little packet condiments you receive with your takeaways, which often build up into a forgotten pile in the cupboard. Throw them out!

6. Dead batteries

I know what you do, the batteries don’t work anymore but you keep them in the cupboard just in case they magically gain some powers while resting for a few months. Batteries don’t have these kinds of superpowers. When they don’t work anymore, throw them out. Batteries can get acidic over time and can be dangerous to your appliances or gadgets if you use them. It’s also very annoying to think you have a healthy supply of batteries when they are actually all long gone.

So there you have it, a start to your spring cleaning guide. And remember: a little progress is better than no progress at all.
