In the sign of the heart


heartsBelieve it or not, there are currently almost 6000 listings on bidorbuy, spread over more than one hundred pages, that feature the word heart in the title. (On second thought, that should not come as a surprise, not ahead of Valentine’s Day.)

The majority of hearts reside among the music CDs, jewellery and gemstones, though we found some cute ones in less obvious places: a watercolour painting of pebbles arranged in the shape of a heart; a modernistic heart designed as a scrapbooking embellishment; a cool heart-break capsule for iPhone; an unexpectedly romantic flash drive; ladies’ pumps with a heart detail; and a tension ball for your office shaped like – you’ve guessed it – a heart.

However, we’d like to focus here on the ways to introduce hearts into your home this Valentine’s Day.

To honour the old saying that claims that the way to someone’s heart is through the stomach, let’s start with heart-y food-making utensils. You’ll be hard pressed to choose between a microwaveable dish for making heart-shaped fried eggs, pancakes or puddings, a heart-shaped cake mould and a traditional frying pan with a twist (it’s shaped like a heart). Whether you choose one of them, two, or all three, you’ll want to complement your purchase with similarly themed bottle stopper, ice tray, and salt and pepper shakers.

Next, it’s time to introduce a heart or two into your home décor with an old-fashioned lamp, ultra-modern wall decal, and several photo frame magnets for your fridge.

Now you are ready to immerse yourself into the spirit of Valentine’s Day!
