Pay with cash on bidorbuy


Be ready to pay with cash when shopping on bidorbuy.

No, you are not required to hold a wad of bank notes in your hand and wave them in front of the screen. Instead, you will need to enter a pre-paid cash voucher code when making a payment for goods purchased on bidorbuy. These are the steps to follow:

  • Go to one of the retail outlets that sell Ukash and exchange your cash for pre-paid vouchers.
  • Log into your bidorbuy account and look for the sellers who accept PayFast method of payment.
  • Bid for or buy an item from such a seller.
  • When completing the transaction, choose PayFast as your payment option. You will be re-directed to the PayFast website. There you will enter your Ukash voucher code to complete the purchase.

It is as simple as that. You can buy online if you do not have a credit card. You can buy online if you do not have an Internet bank account (or if you do not have a bank account at all). You can buy online if you have both of the above, but are nervous about disclosing your sensitive information. No more standing on the bank and watching the river of digital life pass you by!

The sellers are set to benefit from the new payment method too. Now they can target buyers who were previously sidelined from online shopping. Plus, the sellers do not have to worry about the credit card fraud and charge-backs.

Where exactly can you get the prepaid Ukash vouchers for online shopping? Out of hundreds of retail outlets selling Ukash in South Africa, you will probably find one close to you. The places most likely to have them are the ones where you get your prepaid mobile airtime and petrol stations. To pinpoint the retailer closest to you, take a look at the Ukash map with a list of shops.
