Make me an offer!


bidorbuy has introduced a Make an Offer functionality.

Every seller who has scratched his head after his listing closed without anyone ordering it and thought: perhaps it would have been sold by now if I had put a lower price…

Every buyer who has passed over a coveted product because it was a little over his budget…

Both will welcome the introduction of the Make an Offer button on bidorbuy. All it takes to set the wheels in motion is for the seller to make this little tick when listing her (or her) item:

make an offer functionality

Visitors to the listing will see this button:  make an offer button

You can see all the rules and regulations in this comprehensive Make an Offer article posted in our help section. Here we’ll only say that the buyer and seller each have up to 48 hours to respond to an offer by accepting it, declining it, or putting forward a counter-offer. A buyer can make an offer on both open and closed unsold items (providing it’s done 48 hours within the closing time and that the item was not relisted).  The two parties have one full week in which to finalise the haggling.

For the time being, the button can appear only on Buy Now listings on the main website. If sellers and buyers show us they like it by making use of it and if everything functions smoothly, Make an Offer may spread to the bidorbuy apps (Android, iOS) and to auctions too.

What do you think about the Make an Offer button? Let us know on our Forum or on our Twitter page!
