Must-have cycling gear


cycling gear


Cycling is a growing trend in South Africa and cyclists are demanding a safer and more comfortable ride.
We investigated to find out what riders need in order to improve their riding experience. Here are the results:
Helmet is the most important safety gear and every rider’s must-have cycling accessory. In South Africa, riding without a helmet has been illegal since 2004.





When buying your helmet, make sure that:



•    It fits properly and cover as much of your head as possible
•    It does not wobble on your head after you tighten the strap.
•    It feels comfortable.



Bicycle lights are also a must from the safety point of view. Switch them on even if you ride in the day. The best is to get both a red flashing rear light as well as a white front light. Pump is a necessity when going out on a ride, because you don’t want to be left stranded at the side of the road or out in the veld. A lock is worth investing in because you do not want to find that your bike has disappeared after you stopped to buy something in a shop.

When choosing cycling clothes, you may want to consider not only comfort and looks, but also performance. A serious cyclist will want a Lycra or spandex bike jersey, which reduces  drag while cycling.  When choosing your cycling shirt, opt for a highcollar and longer cut in the back to protect you from the  South African sun in summer. In winter,  put on  a wind proof breathable barrier jacket. It is also important that the cut and sleeve design allow you o lean forward comfortably. Reflective trim is a must, so that motorists can see you.



As for cycling shorts, the rider needs to consider his or her anatomy to determine which padding style will reduce friction and give freedom of movement. Especially designed padded shorts are worth the price tag, because  to make it possible for you to stay both comfortable and dry. Bear in mind that the shorts need to flex and stretch with you. Some op the short options include bib shorts which do not have a waistband and won’t restrict your breathing and baggies” which are looser than the traditional underwear shorts and have pockets for valuables. Cycling shoes and socks depend on the type of riding. Mountain bikers’  shoes are very different from road cyclists’ shoes! Of course, both must  add to the riding experience in terms of comfort and safety.



Don’t forget to look after yourself. Choose a well sized cycling hydration pack. It is infinitely better than a water bottle, because it will keep you well-hydrated without slowing you down.



Get the cycling gear on bidorbuy and get some wind in your hair!
