Microblading 101


Have you heard of microblading? This new trend has hit the beauty scene with quite a bang, making it a very popular beauty treatment. If you not entirely sure what it is, simply put, it’s a form of tattooing that is performed on your eyebrows to give them a fuller, beautiful shape. The difference between microblading and traditional tattooing is that microblading is a process where the pigment is implanted under the skin with a handheld tool rather than a machine. 

If you are considering this treatment for yourself, it’s nice to have a little background knowledge so let’s quickly chat about the actual microblading tool itself. The microblading tool looks a lot like a X-ACTO knife (a blade mounted on a pen-like aluminium body), but instead of a single blade, imagine a bunch of tiny needles. There are a number of different pigment colours you can choose from depending on your complexion or how dark you want your eyebrows to look.

So how does it work?

The microblade tool is dipped into the pigment of your choice and then implanted into the skin to create very small cuts or strokes so as to imitate the shape of eyebrow hairs. The healing process differs for each person and can take between 25 and 30 days.

Why is microblading such a success?

Microblading creates a very natural and full effect and it does not require daily upkeep (if this is something you normally do to create fuller eyebrows). You should consider requesting a follow-up one month after your appointment; thereafter, recommended touch-ups should be done in 12 to 18 months. All in all, microblading is low maintenance and you can be relatively carefree after your eyebrows have healed. Another reason why it’s so successful is because it’s a semi-permanent tattoo treatment, which is a good thing considering that fact that your skin will change over time.

Post treatment tips

Is it sore? This is a question most people will ask. You shouldn’t feel anything while the microblading is in progress, because the practitioner will apply an anesthetic numbing cream. As the anesthetic wears away, you will experience a raw, almost sunburnt sensation that can be quite uncomfortable, but should pass after a day or two. To assist during this healing period, you will be given a soothing cream to reduce any burnt or uncomfortable sensations. You will also be given a barrier cream to seal the area and ensure no dirt gets to it.

A very important tip! You will need to keep your eyebrows dry at all times and avoid water in that area. So, wash your face with facial wipes or cleansing lotion during this time.

If microblading is something you have been considering, hopefully this blog has answered some of the questions and given you some piece of mind.
