Make spring cleaning fun for the whole family



Spring cleaning is the perfect way to deep clean your home, give it a new look and feel, clear out the clutter, and make way for all things fresh. Yet, many of us look at spring cleaning as a chore, either because, well, cleaning isn’t exactly a lot of fun, or because one person (you know who) ends up doing it all. This year, try these ideas to make spring cleaning a fun event for the entire family…



1. Make a list


What needs to be cleaned, donated, discarded and repaired? List everything that needs to be done, shop for spring cleaning supplies you need and then sit down with your family to divide chores.



2. Get kids involved in spring cleaning


With the right incentives, your monsters can be quite the handy helpers. For example, you can ask your kids to fill up cartons with toys and clothes that they no longer need, and in return, they get to pick from a list of rewards (trip to the zoo or aquarium, an extra hour for video games, and so on).



3. Make it a fun competition


Ask your kids to clean out their rooms as best as they can – make their beds, organise toys and clothes and so on. Whoever completes their spring cleaning tasks first gets a small reward. Kids can also help with small tasks as needed – for example, squirt soapy water on windows with their water guns as adults scrub and clean.



4. A room for each person


One of the easiest ways to get everyone involved is to assign one room of the house to every family member which they must dust, mop, scrub, and polish. Of course, make sure that kids are given age-appropriate tasks for their assigned rooms.



5. Sell some of your unwanted goods on bidorbuy


Forget the garage sale. You’ll get more eyeballs and (hopefully) more buyers if you list your unwanted items for sale on bidorbuy. After all, ones man’s trash is another man’s treasure… List your goods at a set price, or take a chance with auctions. You can encourage your children to get rid of their unnecessary items by letting them use the money made to buy a new toy (on bidorbuy, of course).



6. Celebrate


After the whole thing is over, celebrate your sparkling home by spending time with each other. Acknowledge the hard work that everyone put in, buy some pizzas and soft drinks, and have fun watching a movie or playing games together.



It is important to delegate spring cleaning tasks instead of doing everything yourself. You’ll find that by doing spring cleaning chores as a family, you’ll not only bond, but also have a whole lot of fun while you’re at it!
