Internet jitters


Take a person who has never ever used bidorbuy (apparently, there really are people who fall into this category). Put her or him in front of a computer, point the browser to… and what do you get?

A lot of useful feedback, which will be implemented on the site in due course.

Everybody who participated in the tests tailored to analyze the bidorbuy usability features got through the ordeal unharmed, though a few did have to overcome a glitch or two. One user, however, refused point-blank to play along. First, he would not buy. Then, he would not give away his details either. Money was not an issue, for bidorbuy supplied the generous amount of R150 for test-shopping. The user persisted that he would never ever (1) trust anyone selling anything online and (2) that he would never ever give personal information online. An eyebrow or two was raised, an explanation or two was attempted, but our suspicious testee would not budge.

Not that the testee in question had any previous unpleasant online encounters. His is the case of an a priori conviction, the sort that exists independent of experience.

It is true that people need time to embrace new technology. It is also true that you can never be too cautious when flashing credit card online. However, it is also true that you stand more chances of having your password broken into as a result of over-the-shoulder spying than as a result of the Internet keystroke spying activity. (Providing, of course, you do not swallow bait, hook and line planted in phishing emails). It is also true that you are more likely to have your identity stolen or your credit card misused as a result of offline fraud than as a result of online fraud.

Think about that the next time your fears threaten to spoil the pleasure of buying on bidorbuy an item you know is just right for you. Keep your eyes wide open, study bidorbuy safe buying tips and take the plunge. Dare you to explore the world of online shopping, because it is worth it.

And above all, never say never!

(If you need more substantiation than James Bond’s famous by-words in order not to say never, find them in this venerable list, entitled Lots of Reasons to Never Say “Never!”)
