How to start a vinyl collection


Vinyls are all the rage at the moment, or have they always been? Vinyl collectors will be the first to tell you that if this is something you are interested in exploring, then you’re about to embark on the most incredible music journey. If you’re starting or expanding your vinyl collection, we’re here to offer some useful tips, so put a record on, sit back and relax while you check them out…  

Image courtesy of Krisp Cut. Published on 9 November 2018. Source:

Find the perfect vinyl player

A vinyl or record player (also known as a turntable) is a given but if you’re new to the vinyl world then here’s some background information that might help you. Ensure that your signal to noise ratio is higher than 65dB – you want it high because the goal is to have a lot more music signal than noise. Lastly, make sure your turntable can operate at playback speeds of 33-1/3 and 45 RPM so you can play different sizes and speeds of vinyl records. 

Image courtesy of Drigo Diniz. Published on 25 February 2019. Source:

Keep things clean 

Both your vinyl player and records will need regular cleaning and care; your vinyls will thank you in the long run if they remain in pristine condition. If you buy a secondhand or antique vinyl player, ensure you clean it before using it for the first time. It’s important to note that neglecting this step will affect the quality of your music experience over time. As a general rule, be sure to clean your vinyl player every few months, using a vinyl cleaner and microfiber cloth to get the job done. Make sure to get in all the grooves with the cloth to gently wipe away any dust. 

Start your collection 

Now it’s time for the fun part, so start your search for your favourite artists or albums as you begin building your vinyl collection. You’re bound to find a lot of vinyls that you will love, from classic albums to hidden gems and forgotten singles. On bidorbuy, we have over 27 000 vinyls for you to choose from, spanning a plethora of genres. You might just discover a new artist or a style of music you never thought you’d like. The beauty of vinyls also lies in their history, where they have been before and the story of how they made it into your treasured collection. As the saying goes, “nothing’s final until it’s on vinyl”.  

Image courtesy of Alina Vilchenko. Published on 20 June 2018. Source:

Find the perfect place to set up 

You’ll need to create space for your new vinyl collection; a safe and beautiful corner of your home where you’ll be able to share your music with guests and others in your home. You can really go to town with how you display your vinyl player and vinyl collection, but don’t forget to keep things practical and simple. Most importantly, remember that you should not stack your vinyls or records, as this could bend or damage them. Instead, you’ll need to stack them side by side so that they are standing upright – you can do this with a proper shelving system. However, if you collect vinyls as display pieces and don’t intend to actually play them, then go ahead and display them how you see fit. The cardboard sleeves of records are much larger than CD covers, and some of them feature remarkable art.  

Image courtesy of Alina Vilchenko. Published on 9 April 2019. Source:

Now that you’re filled with vinyl knowledge, go out there and start your very own collection! Follow our tips and you won’t end up in a spin. 
