You may have felt somewhat strapped for cash lately. Take comfort in the knowledge that you are not alone. According to this Survey on Consumer Purchasing Priorities, 43 percent of South African consumers are looking to spend less over the next six months.
When asked how they plan to allocate their dwindled budgets, South Africans cited property – which includes buying as well as upgrading or renovating existing property – among their top three top priorities, after fashion and accessories and dining and entertainment.
It so happens that July is Home & Living month on bidorbuy, which tunes in nicely with the predominant sentiment among the local populace. So, eat, drink, and adorn your person and your home – you are not alone! bidorbuy is here to help you stretch your budget to cover all your priorities.
Home & Living-wise, here are several items spotted these days on bidorbuy. Some have been sold, others are still available. Since this section has about 5,000 listings, you cannot fail to find what you are looking for.
Colourful party lanterns (R35)
Wine rack (R2100, perfect for that “eat and drink†spend)
Hand painted wall unit (R2800)
Lounger (R2199)
Stainless steel fireplace (R440)
Double end acrylic bath (R650)
As for fashion – you will surely be happy to browse thought the 6000-plus listings strong bidorbuy Clothing, Shoes & Accessories section. Travel & Entertainment is represented with over two hundred listings.