Educational toys for the 21st century



The world is changing. More often we see new developments, technologies and discoveries and the 21st century is becoming the century of science.


Already the USA has made STEM – an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – the key focus of its education policy, identifying these disciplines as central to maintain American competiveness in global industry.


Careers within STEM fields generally have some of the best remuneration packages – as well as the greatest potential for growth. Qualifications in a STEM field equates to a greater earning potential regardless of whether one works within that field.


The budding field of robotics is being used in many countries to instil STEM capabilities in the very young. Robotic toys are used to create a progressive learning experience, designed to unleash the creativity and develop analytical reasoning.


Educational robotics allows for a fun-learning experience emphasizing hands-on operation and has modules for pre-schoolers all the way up to high school learners. This process of learning develops competence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, necessary in many practical fields such as robotics, electronics, and computer programming.


The end goal is to spark creativity in the younger generation, empowering them to be innovators and to pursue a career in the science field.


The robotic systems generally focus on three components – hand, heart and head. For example,  the designing, building and programming of an automatic robot exposes children to advanced concepts in a “hands-on, mind-on” inquiry-provoking format which is both fun and challenging at the same time.


You can give your child the edge with STEM robotics on bidorbuy.

