Do you iPad?


If you do not, now may be your chance, for the prices of all the first generation iPad models (16GB, 32GB and 64GB, with and without 3G) are about to go tumbling down.

Firstly, because the first generation iPad, priced to sell, has been officially launched in South Africa on 28 January 2011. (We know. We are as surprised as you are. After all, iPad has been available on bidorbuy practically since the moment it saw the light of day all those months ago.)

Secondly, because the second generation iPad may be just around the corner.

Last week (from 24 to 30 January), the sales of iPad tablets on bidorbuy continued to do very well indeed, notwithstanding the announcement of the official launch of iPad in the country.

Of the 30 iPads sold on bidorbuy during the last week of January, only four were second hand. The rest, 26 of them, were brand-new.

Model-wise, bidorbuyers went all out for the top-of-the range 64GB, snatching 20 units. They also bought seven 32GB models and three 16GB ones. Most of the models sold were with 3G.

According to reports, the “official” pricing will be aggressive, with the recommended retail price tag starting from R4400 for the entry-level16GB model (without 3G) and going up to R7600 for the top-end 64GB model (with 3G).

Compare that with the last week’s prices of brand-new iPads sold on bidorbuy:

  • 64GB iPad went for between R6800 and R8399, with the majority of units selling in the vicinity of R7500. (One 64GB iPad found a buyer who was willing to pay R10,500 for it, probably because it had iTunes software included);
  • 32GB iPad sold for between R5400 and R6999;
  • 16GB iPad sold for between R4500 and R5800.

Interestingly, of the 30 iPads sold on the site during the period under scrutiny, 22 were sold on auction, and only eight at fixed prices. This may indicate that sellers are letting the buyers determine the price because they are in a hurry to get rid of their stock. This is probably not only because of the advent of the cheaper official iPads, but also because there are rumours that a new model is in the pipeline. Apple usually releases new models once a year, and the first generation iPad was launched on 3 April 2010.

That means that the late adapters out there – all those who decided to hold out on buying their own iPad until the prices start going down – will have only a narrow window of opportunity for gloating. A new model of iPad, code-named iPad 2, may be out soon. Between its unveiling and its official debut in South Africa, there is bound to be a considerable lapse of time. That laps will be filled by – you’ve guessed it – bidorbuy sellers. And so the merry cycle begins anew…
