Buyers love uAfrica shipping
woman at laptop


We have been urging sellers to offer uAfrica shipping for a while now. We wrote a blog post on uAfrica fulfilment, an article about activating the uAfrica shipping option, and an article on the finer points of using uAfrica shipping.
Turns out, we have been right (no surprises there). Recently, a buyer complimented us on the neat little shipping calculation box.

That “shipping calculation box” appears in the listings posted by the sellers who have opted to offer uAfrica shipping, and can be found under the Shipping and Payment tab. It looks like this:

When the buyer filled in the required fields (suburb and postal code), she got this:

uAfrica shipping box

See what made her sing our praises? Yes, the shipping charges were calculated and presented to her within seconds! Sure beats something like this:

shipping options

Or something like this:


The uAfrica shipping calculation box did it all in a quick, efficient, attractive and effective manner. The buyer did not have to plod through lines and lines of text and perhaps even wonder here and there: Now, what did the seller mean by this…? She did not have to “ask seller a question”. She had all the elements she needed to make a purchasing decision.* And there’s no better way to boost a buyer’s confidence than by being clear, concise and upfront!

So, sellers, what are you waiting for? Activate uAfrica shipping! Buyers love it, and buyers are always right.

* Note: with the uAfrica shipping option, multiple purchases from one single seller are combined during the checkout process, ensuring that you are never overcharged on shipping fees.
