- Dia
mond ring…
- Lounge suite…
- Biltong maker…
- Vintage Pez dispenser…
- Old telephone…
- Latest smart phones…
- Nose gel dispenser (very yucky)…
- Almost as yucky false teeth ice tong…
- Glow in the dark shoe laces so everybody sees you…
- Glow in the dark toilet paper so you see your way to it in the middle of the night…
- Red mankini to show off one’s body on a beach (if one happens to be a guy)…
…and so much more!
Many (but not all) of your entries for our #bidorbuyfind Twitter competition are posted on Pinterest. Some are practical, some are whacky; some are rare collectibles, some are coveted mass-produced goodies; some are life’s necessities, some are outrageous luxuries.
All are wonderful.
Alas, there could have been only one winner a day, for five days. The infallible bidorbuy judges have awarded R1000 bobBucks voucher to these five tweets hashtagged #bidorbuyfind:
Day one winner (4 November):
Jeandre @Jeandre_N Don’t ask what I was searching for when I found these and its only R526.75!! http://m.bidorbuy.co.za/mobilejquery/item/110735452/Accoutrements_Emergency_Underpants.html #bidorbuyfind
Day two winner (5 November):
Rudi Swart @rswart77 @bidorbuy_co_za wow I will be the most loved dad in the world this X-mass. Hope I can get it in blue!!! #bidorbuyfind http://m.bidorbuy.co.za/mobilejquery/jsp/bid/Bid.jsp?Trade_TradeId=119643822
Day three winner (6 November):
Tiaan Smith @TiaanSmith90 @bidorbuy_co_za Freaky head massager! #bidorbuyfind http://www.bidorbuy.co.za/item/118581179/Bamboo_Head_Massager.html
Day four winner (7 November)
♥♡Roxanne C♡♥ @Roxi_23 @bidorbuy_co_za I think I may have just seen a glimpse of heaven! Samsung 46″ TV!!! Heaven, indeed! http://www.bidorbuy.co.za/item/119560918/Samsung_46_Smart_3D_LED_TV_UA46F7500_Free_Samsung_3D_Blu_Ray_Player
_3D_Glasses.html #bidorbuyfind
Day 5 winner (8 November)
Chanzie @chanzies @bidorbuy_co_za Just bought 2 JD clocks as Christmas presents! #bidorbuyfind Bring on the Jack’O Clock time! http://www.bidorbuy.co.za/item/119834528/Jack_Daniels_CD_Clock.html
Congratulations to the winners! Enjoy spending your R1000 bobBucks on bidorbuy on items practical, whacky, rare, coveted… in short, wonderful.
A big thank-you to all who participated in the competition. If your name was not among the winners, better luck next time! (Just in case, start following @bidorbuy_co_za now.)
PS: For collectors of trends, let it be noted that as many as two out of five winning #bidorbuyfind tweets originated from our mobile site and were (presumably) tweeted from a mobile device.