All bidorbuy listing formats


listing formats on bidorbuySelling and buying on bidorbuy is simple; see the how-to sell and the how-to buy page.

Of course, if you are an ambitious seller or buyer you can indulge in all kinds of complex strategies. For example, sellers can plan opening and closing times of their listings to coincide with peak online traffic or with pay day; buyers bent on getting a bargain can decide to shop only off-peak and off-season; and so on.

However, let’s leave those finesses for some other time and go back to the basics with an overview of the types of listings you will find on bidorbuy:

Auction, what it is and what it is good for

Sellers, select the auction format for items of indeterminate value (collectibles, art, used items).  Note that you have to sell the item to the highest bidder. Therefore, put a higher opening bid if your heart would break to see the item go “for peanuts”, but also remember that items on R1 auctions often fare better in the end. Also use R1 auctions to promote your presence on bidorbuy, fully prepared to honour the sale it the item goes for the opening R1. Just write off the difference off as advertising expense.

Buyers, you know why auctions attract you: because they are fun, and because you can lend a great bargain. However, always bear in mind that auctions are not a game. They are a serious business. So, never bid if you do not mean it. Never expect someone else to outbid you. In other words, be prepared to be as good as your word (or your click) and follow your action through by making the payment and taking ownership of the item won on an auction.

Buy-now, what it is and what it is good for

Sellers, sell your brand-new consumer products at a fixed price, in the buy-now format. Remember to include the market price when it is to your advantage – that is, when you are selling at a considerable discount. Also remember that it is not a good idea to inflate the market price. After all, you are dealing with online buyers who can perform a price comparison in a matter of minutes.

Buyers, go for buy-nows when you don’t have the time to wait for an auction to end. With a little research, you can get good discounts with the fixed price format too. Just take a look at the bidorbuy Deal of the Week!

Classified, what it is and what it is good for

Sellers, this format is for valuable items that sell slowly and that as a rule need to be physically seen by the buyer before a sale is concluded. Only specific items can be listed on bidorbuy in classified format: property, cars, boats and services. Since sales through classified format entail an eye-to-eye encounter, private sellers should take all reasonable precautions to keep safe when meeting prospective buyers.

Buyers, if you are in the market for a car or a flat, you are most likely to find those items listed on bidorbuy in a classified format. This is, of course, just what you want, because you will need to visit that flat or test-drive that vehicle before committing to a purchase. Just as private sellers should be cautions, so should buyers when arranging a meeting with a private seller.

We hope you found this short A, B, C of listing formats on bidorbuy useful! Do let us know which one is your favourite, whether you are a seller, a buyer, or simply a visitor.
