Don’t sweat the small stuff – just go back to the gym
Back to the gym.


Ready to hit the gym (again)? 

If it’s been a while since you went to the gym, or you’ve let your home workout routine slide, then it can be tough to get back on the exercise wagon. We hear you – it’s not easy, but by following these top tips, you might find it easier to go back to the gym.

Image courtesy of Rene Terp. Published on: February 9th, 2018 Source:

Set a goal 

Having a target – especially one that you can measure – can be really motivating. Your target can be completely personal – what matters is that it’s important to you. Maybe you want to lose those last 3kg, run your first-ever half-marathon, or just fit into those designer jeans. Keep this goal in mind and you’ll be more motivated to work out at home or in the gym. 

Treat yourself to a new outfit 

A quick feelgood tip is to invest in some new gym wear or a new pair of running shoes. You’ll feel better instantly, and be motivated to get those cute clothes sweaty, or get some mud or dust on those shiny new kicks. 

Recruit a gym buddy 

You’re much less likely to skip a workout if you think you’ll be letting down your gym buddy. Get one of your friends to come along – you’ll motivate each other, and it helps to have someone to be accountable to. Looking after your health is a promise you keep to yourself; meeting your friend for a spinning class is another pledge you need to stick to.

Reward yourself 

Each time you reach a milestone on your gym journey, be sure to treat yourself to a reward. It could be a smoothie, a cheat day or getting your nails done – as long as it’s something you wouldn’t normally splash out on or let yourself indulge in. You’ll enjoy the moment even more when you feel like you’ve earned it. 

Get the gear 

If you prefer to work out at home rather than at the gym, you’ll get better results if you have the equipment you need close at hand. Whether that’s a new yoga mat, some free weights or a rowing machine, you’ll find them all on Bob Shop. Plus, if you’ve invested in equipment, you’ll want to get your money’s worth out of it. It would be a shame to use your treadmill as an extra clothes rack, don’t you think? 

Ask a professional 

If you follow all our tips and you’re still finding it hard to get back to the gym or kickstart those home workouts, it may be time to get help… By which we mean finding a coach who’ll design a programme for you, give you advice on nutrition and avoiding injuries, and maybe even yell at you if you start to slack off! 

Now you’ve read this far, we’re sure you’ll be motivated to hit the gym or break a sweat at home. Start by shopping for great deals on Bob Shop, and then go smash those fitness targets!
