Apple has had great success in recent years with the MacBook, iPad and iPhone ranges. There has been repeated interest in Apple products and developments.
It has been a year since the release of the MacBook 12” and there are rumors about the new version appearing in 2016. At Apple’s event on the 21st March, some of these rumors were confirmed. The new MacBook will be even lighter, which begs the question: “Why even have a MacBook Air if the MacBook is the lighter model?”

The MacBook release in 2015 was well received with the new USB type C port and lightweight design. Current MacBook fans would like to have these features introduced in the 2016 refresh:
- More USB ports
- More power
- Bigger display
- Touch screen capability
To the dismay of MacBook Pro users, there has been no announcement of a newer pro version, though that might happen at the World Wide Developer Conference in June
(Siri says 3 – 17 June in San Francisco).
Apple is expected to have a very busy year! They have announced the release of the iPhone 5SE, which is an attempt to attract those customers who refuse to upgrade to the bigger iPhone 6 models. The iPhone 5SE will have a 4” display like the iPhone 5; however, it will have the specs of the iPhone 6.
A smaller version of the iPad Pro has also been announced. This iPad Pro model will have a 9.7” display and will still have the same functionality as it’s big brother. The more compact size is bound to be appreciated by the iPad Pro users.
Other developments that we get to look forward to this year is the iPhone 7 which is rumored to have 3 models: the iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus and the iPhone 7 Plus Plus. This does seem a bit confusing; however, things should become clear closer to the end of the year. Also, the Apple Watch successor Apple Watch 2 should be announced this year. With the first model of the Apple Watch being a success, the second generation should surprise and astound us all this year.
Due to these newer models coming out this year, we can be expect to see a drop in price of last year’s models. Have a look on bidorbuy for great deals on Apple products and more!