2010 was in the sign of…


According to the Chinese zodiac, the year 2010 was in the sign of the tiger.

And indeed it was, at least judging by the media excitement surrounding the escape of the pet tiger named Panjo and the subsequent happy reunion with his adoptive human family. For several weeks in mid-2010, Panjo was the most popular tiger in South Africa (just so there’s no misunderstandings, tigers are not native to the country, nor to the African continent).

The year that is about to come to an end was not lacking in excitement. For soccer fans, plus all South Africans (soccer fans or not), it was the year of the FIFA World Cup, held on African continent for the first time in history. For gadget lovers, it was the year of the iPad. For all concerned with the internet freedoms and freedom of speech, it was the year of the Wikileaks. It was also the year of the recession, the year of the big oil spill, the year of the rescue of Chilean miners, and so much more.

On a more modest scale, we beg leave to regard 2010 as the year of bidorbuy.

It has been the year of continued growth, with new buyers, new sellers, and new products. The expansion was in part due to more available and cheaper bandwidth, and in part due to the fact that bidorbuy has made it in the world, becoming a household name in South Africa.
In the history of bidorbuy, 2010 will be remembered for these milestones:

All of that, naturally, meant more staff, and as consequence the bidorbuy physical offices are in the perpetual state of renovation in order to accommodate the growing number of desks.

That is a pretty good sign that the coming year will also be in the sign of your favourite online shopping site.

Here’s to 2011 being the best year yet for all bidorbuyers!
