Espresso yourself


Nothing beats a hot cup of coffee early in the morning; actually, any time of the day is perfect too! For some of us, caffeine is an essential part of the day. It helps us focus and in some cases even function. If you are looking to invest in a proper coffee machine, you have come to the right place. Continue reading to find reviews of top coffee machines on the market right now.

Nespresso CitiZ and Milk

This sleek and elegant machine does not only make delicious coffee, it also looks great while doing it. The silver chrome combined with the perfect curves of the design remind you of a classic Italian coffee machine, while still maintaining a modern feel. This specific model comes with the milk frother attached on the side of the machine. This means you will have to make your coffee first and your milk separate (that’s if you want milk with your coffee). The only negative feature is that the milk frother is not dishwasher safe and should be cleaned after every use. The Nespresso CitiZ and Milk is available in red, silver and white.

Nespresso Lattissima Touch

The Lattissima Touch is one of the latest models from the Nespresso range and boasts six coffee options ranging from an espresso to a latte, all at the touch of a button. Another impressive feature is its heating time, a jaw-dropping 26 seconds. Since the milk section is attached to the machine itself, coffee from the capsule and milk are added in one step by pressing one button. Unlike the milk frother from the CitiZ, this one can be stored in the fridge for next time. In terms of the look and feel, it is slightly bigger and has more of a boxy feel. The Nespresso Lattissima Touch is available in grey, silver and white.

De’Longhi Dolce Gusto Circolo

This coffee machine is a statement piece in terms of its design. The circular shape looks like something out of a sci-fi movie! In just about a minute, it can make anything from an espresso to a cappuccino. Another impressive feature is its ability to make both hot and cold beverages. This coffee machine is designed to cater for tall and short coffee cups and has a wide selection of coffee and tea flavours and even Nesquik. However, if you are a diehard coffee fan and only like the pure, strong stuff, then the Dolce Gusto is not for you. Most of their coffee pods are a combination of coffee and other flavours. The De’Longhi Dolce Gusto Circolo is available in red, black and silver.

Dolce Gusto Piccolo

Let’s start with the design.The Dolce Gusto Piccolo is pretty to look at and is ideal for those who have limited counter space. The price is pretty competitive too and well worth what you get. Ease of use is not bad either; you should have a coffee in about two minutes. Just keep in mind that you will need two capsules if your beverage of choice contains milk. And of course it’s powdered milk, so if you are health conscious, this is not ideal for you. Unlike the Dolce Gusto Circolo, the Picolo can only make a small cup, that’s about 230 ml. The Dolce Gusto Piccolo is available in black, red and silver.

In conclusion, I must stress that there isn’t one coffee machine that trumps them all; the best coffee machine is one that suits your particular needs and of course your budget too. That’s a wrap, I am off to make a cuppa.
